Supervision: Essential Skills and Best Practice

Tuesday, 22 November 2016 - 9:30am to 4:30pm

This course is designed for Money Advice Supervisors, whether this compromises all or only part of their role. It provides an opportunity to explore the underpinning knowledge and practical skills required to be able to deliver effective supervision, in line with their agency standards, the MAS standards and the NI Quality standards. The course is accredited with OCNNI at Level 4. It is worth 6 CPD hours. This is a core course for those seeking MAS accreditation at Supervisory level.Who Should Attend: Wiseradviser courses are appropriate to anyone currently working with vulnerable clients facing financial difficulties.Fees: All Wiseradviser courses are FREE to organisations providing FREE and impartial money and debt advice. To find out if you qualify for FREE training contact: [email protected].


Last updated 7 years 8 months ago