Participants enjoy group-based outdoor activities

A summer holidays activities programme has gone down a storm with young people with additional needs in Belfast

Young people with additional needs aged 16 – 30 from Belfast and surrounding areas who took part in a summer activity programme hosted by award-winning charity Autonomie have hailed it the “best ever”.

Young people were assigned to one of two groups this year due to Covid regulations and attended the programme which ran 20 - 23 July and 10 - 13 August, with families even joining in the fun with an ‘I’m a celebrity get me out of here’ themed challenge day.

Parents have praised the initiative for being "fun and well organised", with everything from designing tie-dye t-shirts to cookery keeping youngsters occupied.

Lynne Morrison, Autonomie Chief Officer said:

“After the past 18 months of lockdown, and the disruption caused, the programme has proved a real benefit to these young people to keep them stimulated with activities and allows them to socialise with their age group.

“The feedback from both the young people and their families has been excellent and is testament to the hard work of staff, volunteers and partners in the community sector.”

The summer activity programme was delivered as part of Autonomie’s SAIL (Social and Independent Living) project, a £420k 3-year disability youth initiative which launched in May this year and funded by the National Lottery Community Fund.

Last updated 3 years 6 months ago
Communty Fund NI