Street Art Festival "Hit the North" call out for participants

Community Arts Partnership and Seedhead Arts Hit the North festival ran for the third consecutive year this summer and as part of the street art celebrations CAP ran a community engagement programme in parallel.

Three youth groups from across Belfast have worked with street artists Friz, Emic and Re-Ink-Our-Nation to create pieces in their own communities, addressing local issues and giving the young people a voice.

Ledley Hall


So far 30 young people have been involved and have attended our Hit the North launch and spray art exhibition in the Black Box, had several art workshops in their youth and community centres and had a personal tour of the spray art being created in Hit the North 2016 and also taking in the work produced in the past years throughout the Cathedral Quarter.


Thanks to Ballynafeigh Community Development Association, Cliftonville Community Centre and Ledley Hall Boys and Girls Club for participating and to our funders Community Relations Council, the Department for Social Development, Arts and Business and Beck’s and Beannchor.

If your group is interested in being part of Hit the North 2016 please contact CAP Development Manager, Julianne Skillen on 90 923493 or [email protected].

Last updated 8 years 2 months ago