State of Caring Survey 2015

Complete our State of Caring Survey and help us show what it is like to be a carer in 2015.

State of Caring Survey 2015


State of caring survey link

The survey focuses on how caring affects your finances, health and ability to live your own life. 

By sharing your views and experiences you can help us expose how hard it can be to care and what needs to change to make carers’ lives better.


The survey closes on 15 April 2015.

If you would like to print out paper copies of the survey to be filled in, you can download the survey here and return completed copies to Chloe Wright, Carers UK, 20 Great Dover Street, London SE1 4LX.

We have limited capacity to manually enter data from paper surveys so if it is possible to fill in the survey online, we would be really grateful. If you are sending in completed paper copies of the survey, please send these in on or before 10 April 2015. Please note that whilst the online version of the survey skips questions which are not relevant depending on your answers, the paper copy includes all questions.

How your response helps

Each year the State of Caring Survey helps us to track changes over time, gather up to date evidence on the impact of caring and help us campaign for a better deal. The views and experiences you share with us are at the heart of our work with Government and decision makers throughout the UK.

Since our last survey in 2014 we've used your experiences to shape our Carers Manifesto in preparation for the General Election in May 2015. The manifesto sets out what we want all political parties to do to support carers and what needs to change.

We've also used your views to shape a number of our influential reports, including the State of Caring 2014Alone & caringQuality of care and Carers at breaking point

This year is our 50th Anniversary so it is especially important for us to be able to paint a picture of the experiences of carers today. 

The survey results will be published later in the year to show what it is like to be a carer in 2015 and provide hard-hitting evidence for our campaigning.

Thank you for taking the time to help us – your responses make a real difference in helping us work together to make life better for carers.

Last updated 10 years ago