SSE Airtricity announces 39% price increase for gas customers

SSE Airtricity has announced today (Friday 4 March) an increase of 39% effective from Friday 1 April 2022.

This will impact around 186,000 gas customers throughout Northern Ireland and is the biggest rise in gas prices in their network since May 2011.

This news means that the yearly gas bill of a typical household with a credit meter will rise by about £244 per year. Those customers with a prepayment gas meter (PAYG) will see their typical costs increase by around £241 per year.

Raymond Gormley, Head of Energy Policy at the Consumer Council said: “SSE Airtricity has been absorbing higher commodity gas prices for a number of months and has no option now but to pass increased wholesale costs onto its customers. However, large price increases like the announcement today, makes budgeting extremely difficult for consumers. This increase follows price rises in the Ten Towns gas network last month, increased grocery costs, increased home heating oil prices and increased fuel costs. Therefore, many household purse strings are being stretched to the absolute limit.

“The invasion of Ukraine will increase the pressure on gas and oil supply, which in turn will push up costs. As a result, energy prices could be volatile for a number of weeks and will remain high for the foreseeable future. This situation shows the importance of the Department for the Economy’s Energy Strategy that aims to tackle affordability in the long term and move us away from our dependence on fossil fuels.

“We encourage anyone who are struggling to pay their energy bills or to top-up their meter, to contact their supplier directly for help and information. We also encourage consumers to think about ways they can reduce their energy costs through energy efficiency or changing billing method.”

Raymond continued: “We welcome the support SSE Airtricity has in place for vulnerable customers. However, it is clear that all energy industry stakeholders including Government policy makers, The Utility Regulator, companies, charities and the Consumer Council must continue to work together to develop sustainable solutions to help support those in need as the problem of high fuel prices will be with us for some time.”

The Consumer Council is hosting Northern Ireland Consumer Week, 7-11 March, to provide consumers with advice and information to support them with the current cost of living. On Wednesday 9 March there will be a Facebook Live to help consumers be more energy efficient at home, get the best from their electricity or gas supply and save money. For more information visit

Consumers can also get in touch with the Consumer Council for free independent advice by calling Freephone 0800 121 6022, emailing [email protected] or visiting

Last updated 2 years 3 months ago