sported. small grant programme opens across Northern Ireland

sported.'s small grant programme has now opened across Northern Ireland. To be eligiblefor a grant groups must be members of sported. Membership is free and full information and criteria is available at

sported. small grants programme

A sported. small grant is only open to members of sported.  It must be used to deliver sport for development with young people aged 11-25years old.  Membership is free to organisations who meet the sported. criteria.  Full information is available on

How much is it for and when does it have to be spent?

  • sported. small grants are for up to £2,000. 
  • They will usually be spent in one year from being awarded

Who can apply?

  • Sported. member groups that have a turnover of under £50,000 a year
  • Individuals cannot apply for a sported. grant

How can I become a Sported member?

  • Groups interested in becoming members should be working with young people aged 11-25 and be using sport for development to deliver a stated outcome.  These outcomes include:
    • Developing the confidence, workplace and life skills in young people
    • Reducing crime and anti-social behaviour
    • Promoting inclusion
    • Building strong communities and education in health and wellbeing. 

How much does it cost to join Sported as a member?

  • Membership of Sported is free, pending fulfilment of key criteria. For more information, visit


What are the benefits of becoming a Sported member?

  • Once accepted, Members can access a whole range of services that will assist them to develop their organisation. These exclusive services are:
    • Being part of the Sported network – you will be part of a network of like-minded and inspirational organisations all working to achieve the same outcomes for young people. This will allow you to keep track of other projects going on in your area and share information with fellow Members.
    • Member newsletters – you will receive both a monthly national newsletter and a quarterly regional newsletter with important and exciting updates about Sported and our services, as well as all our fantastic membership benefits.
    • Online resources – you will gain access to a wide range of business focused “How to Guides” and templates, designed to help our Members in every aspect of their organisation.
    • Insurance scheme – our bespoke partnership with Lockton Affinity ensures that our Members are able to save large sums of money on their insurance needs.
    • Skilled volunteers – you will have the opportunity to be matched with a volunteer whose skills meet the needs of your organisation, whether this is through a one-to-one Mentor support for a sustained period of time or more ad hoc support because you need an answer to a specific question.
    • Training and networking events – from time to time, Sported run training events to meet specific needs identified by our Members. We also work closely with partners to offer additional events and training.
    • Provide information and advice on funding – there is a range of external funding available for Members to apply for. Local Area Managers and volunteer teams will help to signpost you to the most appropriate source of funding for your organisation.
    • Grants -  Sported run two grant schemes - Area Managers and our volunteer team will signpost you to the most appropriate grant scheme for your organisation.


If you are interested in learning more about becoming a member or our small grants programme then visit: or contact  Brenda Kelly, Northern Ireland Manager on or 07917 086 209.


Last updated 12 years 11 months ago