South Belfast Community Support Group election - deadline extension
The Community Support Group of South Belfast Partnership Board is holding its elections in September 2017. Nomination papers are circulated to South Belfast community groups. PLEASE NOTE: The deadline for nominations has been extended to Wedn 4th Oct 12pm
The Community Support Group of South Belfast Partnership Board is holding its elections in September 2017. In preparation for the election, nomination papers will be sent to all groups on the South Belfast Partnership Board Community Database no later than Wednesday 13th September 2017. Any group who has not received a nomination form by Monday 18th September should contact P. Nicholls, Returning Officer, South Belfast Partnership Board, 23 University Street, Belfast, BT7 1FY. Phone number: 02890618496. The deadline for nominations is 12 noon Wednesday 4th October.
The Community Support Group is a South Belfast wide group of community practitioners who meet 4-5 times per year to speak on behalf of a range of thematic areas under Community Regeneration and Social Regeneration, and Economic and Physical Regeneration. The group brings issues forward to the Board, and it leads on collaboration and cooperation across South Belfast as a community voice for the area. It also nominates 4 members for election to the South Belfast Partnership’s board of directors as community representatives.

Forward South Partnership
23 University Street
United Kingdom