‘Some Peace of Work!’

RCN's Rural Enabler Programme is working with Omagh District Council to possibly stage an exhibition of the work local community and special interest groups have done as part of the Peace building agenda over the past 20 years.

During a discussion last year within CRC week and the launch of the ‘Omagh window of hope’, we said we would love to display all of the quilts, pictures, paintings, poetry etc that have been developed in response to peace building initiatives in local communities. RCN is aware of a number of quilts which were produced as part of the first Peace Funding that came through in the 1996-1998 period and a number of shoes which were made in response to an initiative by WAVE trauma in the Omagh area.   Some local schools also responded to the Omagh Bomb incident by working with local artists. What we don’t know is where these objects are held or displayed on a daily basis.

What we are hoping to do is to provide an exhibition space during Community Relations Week (from the 14th – 19th May) and display the art works and their stories. We hope to produce a booklet of how these objects/works of art came into being and what they were developed to symbolise. We are calling the exhibition ‘Some Peace of Work!’

If you are aware of groups or individuals in the Omagh Council Area who have developed projects which involved making art works or developed poetry etc then please let them know about this opportunity and ask them to get in touch with any of the people listed below

Christine Rodgers, Good Relations Officer in Omagh Council, [email protected]

Ann Ward, Rural Enabler for Tyrone [email protected]

Charmain Jones, Good Relations Officer Rural Community Network[email protected]

Kate Clifford, Rural Enabler for Institutions. [email protected]

Last updated 12 years 2 months ago