Action Cancer

Sign up to Step Into Action Programme

Are you struggling to make healthy choices during the pandemic?

Northern Ireland’s leading, local cancer charity Action Cancer is encouraging people to sign up to its free ‘Step Into Action’ programme.

Covid-19 and its associated lockdowns has had a big impact on both our physical and mental health. With all the pressures of home schooling, working from home, fears of job losses and the virus itself, many people have let their health slide during these unprecedented and stressful times.

Action Cancer's Health and Wellbeing Coaches are here to help you move towards a healthier you as we all move out of lockdown. They can help you to look to the future and work out your health goals and how you can achieve them through this free programme.

The Health and Wellbeing Coaches at Action Cancer understand how habits are formed and how to reverse them, and specialise in helping people overcome obstacles in pursuit of their goals.

Tanya Carson, Health and Wellbeing Coach at Action Cancer said: “Step Into Action is a free service for anyone over the age of 18. We currently deliver 6 sessions over video call and cover topics such as; the “why” behind your desired health change; how to be empowered as the expert on your own body, mind and circumstances; identifying challenges that are preventing change; and how to set and work towards and achieve your individual health goals. By checking in with you every few weeks, we provide support and accountability. We use our broad knowledge of health and wellness to help you navigate a variety of health concerns such as weight, nutrition, physical activity, smoking and alcohol.”

Dermot from Belfast said: “I am currently taking part in the Step Into Action Programme. This involves one to one sessions with Tanya Carson. Our sessions to date have been a mix of face-to-face and online due to Covid. We have been meeting every few weeks recently online via Microsoft Teams. I have found the sessions to very helpful indeed. I feel they have been particularly helpful in making me more aware of my mental health in these challenging times.

Since the start of the programme I have lost almost 20 pounds and I now walk every day and have made improvements to my diet.  I feel healthier and better about myself. My changes have also inspired my wife to make positive changes to her life also.

Tanya has been a fantastic help to me on this journey. She has supported me and challenged me in equal measure and I would not have made the positive changes without her professionalism, encouragement, dedication and good humour. 

I would happily recommend this programme to others.”

Step Into Action and sign up today as there limited spaces!

Please call 028 9080 3344, book online at or email [email protected]

Step Into Action is funded by The National Lottery Community Fund Northern Ireland.

Last updated 3 years 3 months ago