SHS Group ‘Give and Gain’ Through Volunteering Challenges

SHS Group ‘Give and Gain’ Through Volunteering Challenges

The SHS Group once again took part in Business in the Community's national ‘Give & Gain’ initiative.

Announcing a whole week of fundraising activities within the Group, staff took time out to volunteer with local groups. Providing over 300 hours of volunteering support for worthwhile causes, activities took place from 14 to 18 May 2018.

Give and Gain Week provides organisations with the opportunity to let their staff experience the incredible power of employee volunteering. Each year, thousands of people around the world give up their day jobs, roll up their sleeves and support a local community organisation or charity.

Group HR Director, Chris Lillie from the SHS Group, said:

“Last year we clocked up 288 volunteering hours across the Group during Give and Gain Week and this year we've managed to deliver more than 300 hours of volunteering support.

"The SHS Group is fully committed to making a difference in the local community. We recognise the value of working towards a shared vision and the transformative impact that a collective effort can have.

"We rely on our local communities and it’s really important that we do our part and support them where we can.”

This year a team of ten volunteers from SHS Group spent time volunteering at Kilcreggan Homes 'Urban Farm' based in Carrickfergus. Kilcreggan Homes 'Urban Farm' offers packages of support to people with learning disabilities, autism and brain injuries. Kilcreggan Homes also offer a unique plan to help service users live as independently as they can and develop the necessary skills to contribute to running a busy urban farm.

Damian Cassidy, Manager of Kilcreggan Homes, thanked the SHS employees:

“The SHS volunteers joined us on Friday 18th May and carried out a wide range of tasks, from gardening to painting kids play houses, lime treating and painting the small hen house, tending to planting at the side of a new cabin, re-locating a small bug hotel, revamping the bug hut area, gardening and creating wooden bunting for around the site.

"It is fantastic to see corporate businesses like the SHS Group value the services we provide. We were overwhelmed by the enthusiastic team of volunteers working with us. The efforts have enhanced our offering to those who need us most within the local community. The farm buildings and the grounds look great. Our service users have already remarked on the improvements. All the hard work is really appreciated and we are grateful for this practical support and hope that the SHS Group will continue to support us in the future.”

Hilary Hanberry, Communities Manager from Business in the Community (BITC) congratulated SHS Group for supporting Give and Gain Week:

“Social responsibility is a fundamental ethos in business. Give and Gain Week was organised by Business in the Community to showcase the importance of volunteering while also encouraging businesses to develop meaningful relationships with their local community. It’s wonderful to see large organisations such as SHS Group being part of it. Getting involved and supporting local people will build stronger communities.”

There is strong evidence that volunteering brings benefits to both the person volunteering and to the people and organisations that they support. It’s a mutually beneficial exchange, helping volunteers to build their skills and confidence, whilst making a positive contribution to local community groups and charities.


Last updated 6 years 1 month ago