Bluebells, and black labradors walking, at Prehen Wood in Londonderry.  Photo is by Christine Cassidy.

Shake off the winter blues in search of spring blues

Guided bluebell walk at Prehen Wood, Sunday 13 May

Native bluebells are bouncing back – a quintessential sign of spring and a natural remedy to shake off the winter blues. They’ve been delayed by the cold weather but, according to the Woodland Trust, reports are now suggesting a glimmer of blue.

The Trust wants members of the public to enjoy some flower power this month and recommends a visit to one of its precious urban woods. From Throne Wood in Belfast to Prehen Wood in Derry-Londonderry, our urban gems are brightening landscapes and improving wellbeing.

Prehen Wood, a Woodland Trust-owned bluebell wood right on the doorstep of the city, ticks all the boxes.

This is one of Northern Ireland’s rare and irreplaceable ancient woods, dating back as far as 1600. It rustles with history and wildlife, with birds including the sparrowhawk and long-eared owl. And the visiting chiffchaffs and willow warblers are currently singing their little hearts out.

Spring brings a vibrant array of woodland flowers, including lesser celandines and wood anemones. But the most spectacular treat is the sea of shimmering bluebells decorating the woodland floor each May.

Walkers are invited to see the show for themselves thanks to a guided walk on Sunday 13 May at 2.30pm. This popular annual outing is led by members of Prehen Historical & Environmental Society and local wildlife expert Christine Cassidy. To find out more call 0330 333 5302 or visit

Emma Briggs leads the Woodland Trust’s campaign to inspire people to visit the woods close to them.

"People often think they have to get in their cars and travel to find nature but in fact we have so many woods that are easily accessible for people living in towns and cities, and in many cases surrounded by housing. Our woods are always open and free to visit, but bluebell season is truly magical,” said Emma.

The UK is home to half the world’s population of bluebells. The Woodland Trust wants people across the country to take part in its Big Bluebell Watch – a nationwide survey to monitor the status of native bluebells. Find out more and add your sightings (up until the end of May) at

Last updated 6 years 1 month ago