Seeking warm, lively farmers, carers, young people, volunteers or families.

Erica Starling Productions is making a documentary series and is seeking families or individuals with stories that are unfolding right now.

Erica Starling Productions is making a three-part documentary series in Northern Ireland and is looking for warm, lively individuals to allow us into their lives as they overcome challenges, hardships or make difficult choices over the next few weeks and months.  We want to make a warm, energetic film that doesn't shy away from the reality for many people in Northern Ireland.

The stories cannot be in the past, therefore must be happening now, and should have an economic hardship or aspect to them.  For example:

  • A family business owner who may have to get rid of staff
  • A farmer a retirement age with no one there to take on the farm
  • A family hit with sudden injury or illness and overcoming all the changes in their lives
  • Couples wishing to separate but living under the one roof, due to financial challenges
  • An older carer making provisions for their adult child with a disability 
  • A young person juggling unsettled accomodation and zero hours work
  • A big lively family living close to the breadline
  • Or something completely surprising!

Those interested in getting in touch should be based in Northern Ireland and should want and be able to tell their story.  We are looking for stories that are unfolding right now and deserve to be told.  At this stage we just want a quick chat, so get in touch if you have a story to tell or have some ideas of people we should get in touch with.

Email:  [email protected] or text: 07547535119 


Last updated 7 years 6 months ago