Schools and Youth Groups Encouraged to Register for Anti-Bullying Week 2016

Schools and youth groups across Northern Ireland are being encouraged to get involved with Anti-Bullying Week 2016 #AntiBullyingWeekNI. By registering you get FREE resources & opportunity to enter the ABW16 Competition.

Schools and youth groups across Northern Ireland are being encouraged to get involved with Anti-Bullying Week 2016 #AntiBullyingWeekNI. The focus of the campaign will be on the theme of ‘Together We Are Stronger’ and will seek to encompass the following:

      ‘What does it mean to have strength of character?’ – encouraging children and young people to understand the nature of power in relationships – both on and offline; supporting them to identify personal attributes that give people strength and influence, and to understand the ways in which bullying behaviour is an abuse of this influence.


      ‘How can we use our combined strength positively?’ – supporting children and young people to take personal and collective action against all forms of bullying; identifying how we can use our strength together to have more effective responses to end bullying.


      ‘How can we empower parents and carers to work with schools and youth groups to tackle bullying?’ – practical advice on how to improve communication in order to take action against all forms of bullying e.g. Understanding the law, education on issues such as cyber bullying and places to go for help..




As in previous years, schools and other organisations working with young people are being encouraged to register online to receive a free resource pack. This will include presentations, activity plans, project briefs and ABW16 themed posters. Registration only takes a couple of minutes.







Following the hugely successful competition last year, which attracted almost 3000 entries, NIABF will again be running a competition for children and young people. This activity provides an excellent opportunity to engage a large number of young people, focussing on raising awareness of this important issue. The closing date is Friday 7 October 2016.



Last year over 800 schools and youth groups signed up to take part in Anti Bullying Week. They used the resource pack that is issued upon registration to support them in organising a wide range of events within the school environment to discuss the impact of bullying. 

Almost 3,000 young people entered the Young People’s Competition, which is back this year by popular demand. Participation in the competition provides an opportunity to understand the nature and complexities of bullying behaviour and how schools work collectively with parents and carers to end bullying.  There is the added bonus of prizes for individual winners and a chance to win £250 worth of resources for your school or group.


Simply visit to complete the short registration form and find out more about the competition, including information on age groups and how to submit entries.

Last updated 8 years ago