Members of the Coalition in EBM

Roundtable discussion 7th May 2024

Setting the agenda!

East Belfast Mission hosted the roundtable discussion providing space to consider the key issues that the Coalition seeks to concentrate on. Setting the scene, Jonny Currie from Trussell Trust and Gerardine Cunningham from St Vincent De Paul (Social Justice) outlined campaigns and research that they have been involved in. Members were also reminded of the key asks from Christains Against Poverty (CAP) and the CLiff Edge Coalition.

Discussion also focused on the role of the Coalition to educate churches on poverty and its impact on people. In taking the work forward a small group will work through the notes taken on the day and these will be circulated. A number of meetings with MLA's are being set up and members were invited to participate in these as well.

Last updated 10 months 2 weeks ago