Review your banking needs in advance of Danske Bank branch closures

The Consumer Council is urging Danske Bank customers to review their banking needs ahead of the upcoming closure of four local branches later this year. The branches in Ballycastle, Comber, Kilrea and Strabane are due to close on 4 December 2020.

Scott Kennerley, Director of Financial Services at The Consumer Council, said: “Whilst some consumers prefer accessing their banking services through the internet, apps and over the phone, it is important to remember that there are still many people who rely on face-to-face banking through their local branch.

“Before the Danske Bank branches in Ballycastle, Comber, Kilrea and Strabane close, we would advise customers to liaise with their local branch to discuss their banking needs and the options that are available.”

Scott added: “For anyone who needs any further advice, we have a range of materials and guides on our website, including a branch closure factsheet, a personal banking guide, a guide to switching banks and a current account comparison table. Alternatively, consumers can contact The Consumer Council on 0800 121 6022 or by emailing”


Last updated 4 years 6 months ago