The Residential Invite - Waste No Time Project

On September 30th & October 1st the Waste No Time project is holding a Legislative Theatre weekend in Corrymeela.

On September 30th & October 1st the Waste No Time team are holding a Legislative Theatre weekend in Corrymeela.

Legislative theatre makes theatre from our own lives, opens a space to "rehearse" options for change, and encourages citizens and leaders to carry positive change into the future.
We dont need actors, just active citizens willing to come together to connect, enjoy and contribute to  the ideas and the creation of a play.
This is a FREE residential facilitated by DesertFish.

Please contact Karin on 07966 202184 or [email protected] if you would like to come along.

Waste No Time is…

an 18-month project supported by the Building Change Trust engaging with different citizens across the new Council to:

• Collect stories and experiences of citizens’ relationships with their Council and other public services, with their communities and with each other;

• Listen to people’s understanding of well-being and what makes a good life;

• Imagine what might be possible to improve well-being in the Council area, building on what is working;

• Inform effective community planning over the next few years.

The first part of the project has been completed with 20 pop-up democracy street theatre and cafes taking place across Causeway Coast and Glens.

We have put some of the findings into an Opera. Link:

WNoT is a partnership project delivered by Corrymeela, Beyond Skin, Rural Community Network Building Communities Resource Centre, Charo Lanao- Madden and Desert Fish Productions.

Last updated 7 years 9 months ago