Register your volunteering opportunities with the UUSU Volunteering Centre

Promote volunteering opportunities you may have to students at the University of Ulster through the Students' Union Volunteering Centre.

Register your opportunities with the new UUSU Volunteering Centre

If you are a registered charity, community group, public sector body or social enterprise and would like to promote your volunteering opportunities to students at the University of Ulster you can register as an organisation with the University of Ulster Students’ Union Volunteering Centre. The new registration system is a short online form:                                                                                                                                                                                                   

By registering with the UUSU Volunteering Centre, they will be able to accredit students who may be volunteering with you through either the University's Ulster EDGE Award or the Millennium Volunteers scheme administered by Volunteer Now. It also allows them to make sure the organisations they are promoting are able to support their student volunteers appropriately.

There is also an online form for you to let them know about the volunteering opportunities you would like them to promote to their students and once registered you can continue to register opportunities with them throughout the year:                                                                                                                                                                                         

The UUSU Volunteering Centre can promote opportunities you register with them by compiling these in a monthly opportunities newsletters designed specifically for their students which they send out to all registered student volunteers and which they can put on their website and social media platforms.

You can certainly promote fundraising opportunities in this way, although UUSU does have a student charitable fundraising team called RAG (Raise and Give). This year, the elected Campus Council and RAG committees on each campus will be selecting RAG Partners for whom they will endeavour to raise money. The information and application form can be found on the UUSU website:                                                                                                                                                                                    

The UUSU Volunteering Centre is a new initiative and they would be very excited for you to be on board. They have facebook and twitter accounts which are easily found by searching 'UUSU Volunteers'. You may be able to get involved in some of  their events later in the year such as National Student Volunteering Week (w/c 11 February 2013) or RAG week (w/c 18 Febraury 2013).

You can also check out this video for more information:                                                               

Last updated 11 years 7 months ago