Reforms good news for tenants, taxpayers and people in housing need

In response to today’s announcement on the future of social housing in Northern Ireland by Social Development Minister Nelson McCausland, Cameron Watt, Chief Executive of the Northern Ireland Federation of Housing Associations (NIFHA) said:

“Today’s announcement is good news for tenants, taxpayers and people in housing need in Northern Ireland.

“The Northern Ireland Housing Executive deserves great credit for its achievements over the last forty years. It has made huge progress in providing good homes, regenerating communities and ending discrimination in social housing. Our members value and are proud of our successful partnership with the Housing Executive, for example in developing new homes and delivering Supporting People services.

“But times change and new structures are needed to guarantee high quality social housing in future, not least to secure private investment to refurbish the Executive’s 90,000 homes and to build new social homes.

“There is a shortfall in funding of over £1 Billion that has to be filled to bring existing Housing Executive homes up to a good standard.

“That’s why we welcome confirmation that the new landlord function for the Housing Executive housing stock will be out with the public sector.

“We expect the new landlord function will be in the housing association movement, building on the success of existing associations. These are thriving social businesses that have already secured £500 million of private investment in social housing.

“NIFHA believes there is a compelling case for independent regulation of rented housing in Northern Ireland, as recently introduced in Scotland and England. This would provide most reassurance for tenants and certainty for landlords, and we’ll continue to make this case ahead of the housing bill.

“We congratulate the Minister, Department and Northern Ireland Executive on this significant step in making the necessary reforms to our housing system, and look forward to working with them in the coming months as detailed proposals are developed.” 


Notes to Editors For all media queries or interviews, please contact Johnny Stewart on 028 9034 7301 or mobile 077 8545 8136 or email [email protected]

Last updated 11 years 5 months ago