Reel Frontiers 2 Goes into Production

Year two of a ground breaking film project aimed at young people, aged 11-13, across Northern Ireland was officially launched last week in Magherafelt High School by Cinemagic and the International Fund for Ireland.

Year two of a ground breaking film project aimed at young people, aged 11-13, across Northern Irelandwas officially  launched in Magherafelt High School by Cinemagic and the International Fund for Ireland.

 The ‘Reel Frontiers’ project is part of the Fund’s Sharing in Education Programme and it is the first time that a film project of this scale, involving 42 school groups over a two-year period has been undertaken by Cinemagic.

 The film making project, which began in Sept 2011, has brought together pupils from Catholic and Protestant backgrounds to work together, learn about film making and production, share experiences and make new friends.

 Magherafelt High School hosted pupils from St Mary’s Grammar School, St Pius X College, The Rainey Endowed, and Sperrin Integrated College and the Cinemagic programme of activity included an interactive discussion led by representatives from Beyond Skin, an organisation that aims to assist in the building and development of cultural relations in Northern Ireland, and the screening of MACROPOLIS, a new animated film from Joel Simon, Flickerpix, and Rabbit-Proof Fence,  both examining the themes of identity and prejudice.

The schools involved have been working in partnership with each other throughout the academic year and last June, the first short films were created, over the course of a week, at a residential film camp at Lorne House, Holywood.

David Graham OBE, Board Member, International Fund forIreland, said: “We are pleased to be supporting Cinemagic through the Reel Frontiers Project. Cinemagic have been working tirelessly over the years bringing together young people from different community backgrounds for masterclasses, screenings and workshops in film making.

“Creative projects such as this enrich community relations and support the Fund’s objectives of peace-building particularly those of our Sharing in Education Programme.

“Reel Frontiers will encourage young people to work and learn together with their peers from different communities and build friendships. These experiences help young people overcome fear and suspicion and create the building blocks for a more shared future.”


Joan Burney Keatings MBE, Cinemagic Chief Executive commented: “With valued support from the International Fund for Ireland, Cinemagic has been able to provide an excellent opportunity for young people from different cultural backgrounds to work together on a creative venture that will help develop an understanding of and respect for each other’s traditions and background. The young people involved to date have demonstrated excellent teamwork skills through participation in the first phase of the project and the production of the films was a great achievement. Through their film-making they will also be able to demonstrate their learning and promote the values of peace and reconciliation to a wider audience.”

 The second phase of the project has just begun with young people meeting on a regular basis to watch a series of themed film screenings and participate in workshops and discussions. Young people from the previous year’s project have been involved in mentoring the new groups, giving them an insight to their experience. The 2012-13 phase will culminate with five film camps taking place throughout June and July 2013, which will engage with all of the school communities and encourage the young people to work together on a shared goal.

The co-produced films made at the film camps have the ultimate aim of promoting understanding between the different communities and traditions inNorthern Ireland. The films will be set in aNorthern Irelandcontext and will deal with issues such as division, conflict and the challenges the young people encounter on a daily basis in their respective neighbourhoods. 

 ENDS: //

 Media contact IFI:

Stephen McGrath

[email protected]

028 9034 7310


Media contact Cinemagic:

Claire Shaw

028 9031 1900

[email protected]



Schools twinned in partnership for the project.


St Mary’s Grammar School

St Pius X College

The Rainey Endowed

MagherafeltHigh School

Sperrin Integrated College



St Colmans High School

The HighSchoolBallynahinch
DownHigh School

St Patricks Grammar School



Newry High

Abbey Grammar

Cookstown High




AquinasDiocesanGrammar School



St Rose's DominicanCollege
Malone Integrated College

Christian Brothers School Glen Rd

AshfieldBoysHigh School

Little Flower GirlsS chool

About the International Fund for Ireland

The International Fund forIrelandis an independent international organisation established by the Irish and British Governments in 1986. The Fund’s main objectives are to promote economic and social advance and encourage contact, dialogue and reconciliation between Unionists and Nationalists throughoutIreland.

Contributors to the Fund are theUnited States of America, the European Union,Canada,AustraliaandNew Zealand. Since its inception, the Fund has committed more than £668m/€838m to a wide variety of projects inNorthern Irelandand the southern border counties. Developing and funding initiatives that tackle segregation and promote integration to build a lasting peace in Northern Ireland and the southern border counties is a key priority for the Fund.

 About the Sharing in Education Programme

Funded by the International Fund forIrelandand managed by the Department of Education, the Sharing in Education Programme seeks to break down the barriers from our historic conflict by providing a range of opportunities for young people to learn and work together.

By supporting a variety of strategic projects that enable young people to participate in shared educational experiences, the Programme helps to facilitate reconciliation for a shared future. To date over £16m has been invested in SiEP which was launched in 2008. 


Last updated 11 years 7 months ago