The Rainbow Project introduces new ways to book a HIV and Syphilis test

The Rainbow Project is introducing new ways for LGBT to get a sexual health test.

Things are now moving online!

The Rainbow Project has now introduced an online booking system for it's Rapid HIV and Syphilis testing service. James Copeland, Sexual Health Development Officer, says that 'Gay and Bisexual men or Men who have Sex with Men continue to be the most at risk group of experiencing an STI. Over the past 10 years the world has become so much more digitalised in how we interacts with each other. MSM are hooking up online, on apps and in lots of other places and its about time we catch up with the trend. Sexual Health service providers should no longer be relying on phone calls to landlines that you can't get through to. Times have changed and the way people contact us has too.' To book in for a rapid test all you need to do is go to

The Rainbow Project has introduced a range of new sexual health services over the past year including expanding services for sexual health to Ballymena and L'Derry. We are launching a new pilot set of clinics with the Western Health and Social Care Trust in Altnagelvin and Foyle LGBT Centre for LGBT people. Clinics will be running on Tuesday 20/1/2015 (Altnagelvin GUM), Tuesday 12/2/2015 (Altnagelvin GUM) and Tuesday 10/3/2015 (Foyle LGBT Centre) and run from 5-7.30 pm with no appointment necessary.

Last updated 9 years 5 months ago