RADAR coming soon

Opening in November, RADAR provides safety focused learning experiences for children and young people throughout Northern Ireland. RADAR aims to improve risk awareness, as well as help children and young people understand the consequences of their action.


Radar enables children and young people to experience dangerous 'real life' situations within the risk free environment of our interactive village. This exciting interactive and realistic experiential learning will equip them with all the information to make better life chooses. A large range of subjects are covered.

P6/7 - Fire Safety, Electrical Safety, Farm Safety, Home Safety, Internet Safety, Rail Safety, Road Safety, Water Safety, Drugs and Alcohol Awareness and more...

16 to 24 - Drugs and Alcohol Awareness, Road Safety, Violent and Anti-social Behaviour, Mental Health, Bullying and Harassment, Suicide and Self Harm, Discrimination, Anti-Sectarianism and more...

You can find out more on our web-site and even take an interactive tour.  www.radarni.co.uk

Last updated 10 years 1 month ago