Public trust and confidence in charities research

Did you know that one of the biggest factors influencing the public's trust and confidence in charities is that the organisation does what it says it will?

According to new research from the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland, 87% of respondents marked 'doing what they say they will do' as a major factor that influences their trust in a charity.

The research, conducted by an independent agency on behalf of the Commission earlier this year, gathered the views of 1,500 adults on issues including:

  • their perception of charities
  • levels of trust and confidence in charities
  • what influences that trust and confidence
  • how they have supported charities during the pandemic
  • the importance of charity regulation

The full research report is available here: Public trust and confidence in charities research | The Charity Commission for Northern Ireland ( The Commission will be publishing snapshot overview reports in coming months, condensing some of the key findings.

You can also view a recording of the research launch on YouTube at:


Last updated 2 years 11 months ago