Public Health Annual Research and Practice Conference - Call for Abstracts for Parallel Sessions

The Public Health Agency and Partners will be hosting the fifth Public Health Annual Scientific Conference in June. The theme of the Conference will be “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”

Public Health Annual Research and Practice Conference

Wednesday 8 June 2016

Riddel Hall, Stranmillis Road, Belfast.

The Conference will focus on the economic case for prevention and the health benefits of public health interventions.

The conference will include a morning parallel session and an afternoon parallel session where local researchers/practitioners will give 10 minute presentations each followed by a 5 minute discussion. 

In order to ensure a broad spectrum of content for the Conference, presenters are invited to consider a range of preventive public health interventions, their resulting health and anticipated economic benefits. By detecting disease early and tackling primary risk factors, public health interventions can help mitigate the huge cost burden associated with chronic diseases. However, unless economic benefits are estimated in evaluations, an opportunity to present the economic argument is lost.

To demonstrate the economic worth of public health interventions a range of economic techniques are available including cost-effectiveness analysis, return-on-investment analysis and more recently, social return on investment analysis. Whilst a formal economic analysis is not essential, an attempt to estimate the anticipated economic ‘return’ of a programme is encouraged.  

Presenters are invited to submit an abstract describing a current or recently completed evidence-based public health initiative/intervention/innovation and/or high quality research study in Northern Ireland relevant to the conference theme.

Abstracts are welcome from all sectors of the research and practice communities with an interest in making life better for all.

Please note the closing date for submission of abstracts using the attached proforma is 4pm on Wednesday 16 March 2016

Submissions to be emailed to: [email protected].

Last updated 8 years 4 months ago