Public Appointment of Trustees to the Board of The National Museums and Galleries of NI (National Museums NI)

Culture Minister Carál Ní Chuilín is seeking to appoint eight Trustees to the Board of National Museums.

The Board of Trustees has an interesting and challenging role within a museums organisation whose main function is to promote and advance education by supporting and assisting museums and galleries and to encourage the use and enjoyment by the public of museums and galleries in the north of Ireland. As a Trustee, you will have corporate responsibility for ensuring that National Museums NI (NMNI) meets its statutory remit and fulfills the aims and objectives set by the Department and approved by the Minister.

Skills and Experience
The Department wishes to strengthen corporate governance and public accountability through its Ministerial Appointments on all the Boards of DCAL's sponsored bodies. Applications are therefore welcome from those with corporate governance experience gained in the community and voluntary sector, public sector or private sector from areas such as accountancy, business, communications, community development, education, finance, law, marketing or tourism.

Essential Criteria

  • Experience in governance in the community and voluntary sector, public sector or private sector including overseeing the development and implementation of corporate strategies and annual business plans; 
  • Previous membership of a board or committee which has responsibility for staff and / or financial resources and how you contributed to this work;
  • Experience as a practitioner or advisor in accountancy, business, communications, community development, education, finance, law, marketing or tourism;
  • An informed interest in the heritage of NI and an appreciation of the contributions which museums make to that heritage, including any experience of dissemination of such knowledge across all sectors of NI society.
Terms of Appointment, Time Commitment and Remuneration
  • Appointments are for a term of up to 5 years from 1 July 2012
  • Trustees are likely to require a time commitment of at least 1 day per month
  • Trustees will attract no remuneration but may claim expenses.
How to Apply

An application pack can be obtained by contacting us on the following:
Telephone: 028 9051 5157
Text phone: 028 9052 7668
Email: [email protected]

Or by writing to: Governance Support Unit, Department of Culture, Art and Leisure, Causeway Exchange, Level 8, 1-7 Bedford Street , Belfast BT2 7EG.

If you require an application pack in a different format, please contact us.

The deadline for receipt of applications is 12.00noon on 20 April 2012. CVs will not be accepted. Late applications will not be considered.

Interviews are expected to take place week commencing 14 May 2012

All applications for appointment are considered strictly on merit. The final decision on appointments will rest with the Minister of Culture, Arts and Leisure.

Diversity in Public Appointments
The Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure is committed to the principle of public appointments based on merit with independent assessment, openness and transparency of process. The Department is committed to equality of opportunity and welcomes applications from all suitably qualified people irrespective of religious belief, gender, disability, ethnic origin, political opinion, age, marital status, sexual orientation or whether or not they have dependants. We particularly welcome applications from women and people with a disability for these positions. 

Last updated 12 years 2 months ago