£140,000 in road safety grants available for local communities

If you have concerns about road safety and can deliver an innovative, community-led road safety project then the CTA can provide financial support to help you achieve your goal.

The CTA is now inviting applications for the DOE road safety grants from the voluntary and community sector.  Groups can apply for small grants of up to £15,000 to develop and run a community-based road safety project.

To qualify, groups must be properly constituted, have a bank account and be able to complete the project by March 2015.

The CTA has arranged two Information Sessions for potential applicants to find out more about the fund and how to make a better application.  The sessions take place on Thursday 5th June 2014 from 10:30am to 12:30pm at Rural Community Network, Cookstown and on Friday 6th June 2014 from 10:30am to 12:30pm at NICVA, Belfast.  Please contact CTA to reserve your place at one of the information sessions.

To find out more about the information sessions, receive an application pack or speak in more detail about your project, then contact CTA on 028 9094 1664 or email [email protected].

An application pack is available to download from the CTA website: www.ctauk.org/roadsafetygrant or on Facebook Roadsafety Grant

The closing date for applications is Friday 20th June 2014 at 12:00 noon. Successful groups will be notified in July 2014.

Last updated 10 years 1 month ago