Promoting Awareness, Equality & Diversity

Inclusion NI are based in Moy, Co Tyrone, and offer training in a range of areas

Inclusion NI are based in Moy, Co Tyrone, and offer training on

  • Disability Equality
  • Bespoke Sessions on various types of Disability
  • General Diversity Awareness
  • Bespoke Sessions on various types of Diversity
  • Goal Setting
  • Personal Development &
  • Personal Safety for Vulnerable Groups 

Sessions can be tailored to meet your individual training needs, whether this be to fill an identified knowledge gap or respond to an ongoing issue. We can facilitate any size of group, at your premises or we can provide a training venue.

Our training is delivered in a relaxed, friendly, non-judgemental and supportive environment, encouraging the sharing of ideas and experiences and answering any questions which may arise from current issues.

We will provide additional support for any participant who needs it, and source information in a range of accessible formats as/when required.

Our trainers have many years of experience working, volunteering and living in the field of disability.

For more information visit our website on or to discuss your particular training needs contact Barbara or Catherine on 028 8778 8091 or email

56 Roxborough Park, Moy, Dungannon, Co Tyrone BT71 7SU

Tel 028 8778 8091, Barbara 07917 710 770, Catherine 07887 885 934

email  website

Last updated 10 years 1 month ago