Pro Bono Choir Raise £10,000 in Support of Welcome Organisation

Members of the Pro-Bono Choir were on hand at Law Society House in Belfast to present a cheque for £10,000 to the Welcome Organisation.

The money which was raised from a concert held at St. Anne's Cathedral in May 2017 included performances from local singer Brian Kennedy.

The £10,000 raised by the Choir at the concert will help the local charity which provides support services to people who are homeless or vulnerable and at risk of homelessness.

Kieran Hughes, the Fundraising and Marketing Manager for the Welcome Organisation was delighted to receive the cheque from, Joe Rice, the Chairman of the Pro Bono Choir.

Members of the choir, which is made up of members of the legal profession, were joined by the President of the Law Society, Eileen Ewing, David Mulholland, Chief Executive of the Bar and Nora Tallon, from Harbinson-Mulholland Accountants who sponsored the concert were in attendance at the cheque presentation.

Congratulations to the Choir for their successful charity fundraising!

Last updated 7 years 3 months ago
Law Society of Northern Ireland