Pre Tender Market Engagement Paper - Tender For Contracts For The Provision Of Domiciliary Care Services In The Western Health And Social Care Trust Area

Pre Tender Market Engagement Paper - Tender For Contracts For The Provision Of Domiciliary Care Services In The Western Health And Social Care Trust Area

Procurement and Logistics Service (PaLS) Business Services Organisation (BSO) on behalf of the Western Health and Social Care Trust (WHSCT) wish to carry out pre tender market engagement with interested Providers via a pre tender market engagement paper.  The WHSCT wish to engage with and receive feedback from the market by outlining the Trust proposals for the delivery of domiciliary care services in the WHSCT area, including the proposed model and key elements of the service, and its procurement plans and requirements. The pre tender market engagement paper and questionnaire will be available on eTendersNI ( under CfT reference 4791867. Interested providers are asked to submit their responses to the questionnaire on eTendersNI under CfT reference 4791867 by 15:00 on 26th June 2023.  Any interest shown in this pre tender market engagement exercise does not constitute a commitment to participate in a procurement exercise. Non-participation in this pre tender market engagement does not preclude any provider from participation in any future procurement exercise.

Last updated 1 year ago