Possibilities Programme - social enterprises and the health sector

Would you like to do business with the Health Sector?
Ashton Community Trust and Ledcom, two of our leading social enterprises are organising a series of workshops.

The aim of the programme is:

  • To increase knowledge of social enterprises of the opportunities for tendering within the public health sector in Northern Ireland (particularly Belfast).
  • To increase the skills base of social enterprises in the tender process for future tenders from the public health sector.
  • To increase knowledge of the social enterprise sector among the public procurement experts in the health sector.

Further details of the workshops are available from the attached pdf.

Introduction to Procurement for Social Enterprises - Tuesday 24 January 2012, at NICVA, 10.00am to 1.00pm (lunch included). Facilitated by LEDCOM and Ashton.
Introduction to Procurement for Social Enterprises – Monday 30 January 2012, at Ashton Centre, 10.00am to 1.00pm (lunch included). Facilitated by LEDCOM and Ashton.
Masterclass 1 - Where we look for tenders and how to use the tender system and websites - Tuesday 7 February 2012, at Ashton Centre, 1.30pm to 4.30pm (lunch included). Facilitated by BDO.
Masterclass 2 - Writing winning tenders - Wednesday 22 February 2012, at NICVA, 10.00am to 1.00pm (lunch included). Facilitated by Sector Matters.
Masterclass 3 - Quality Systems - Tuesday 28 February 2012, at Millennium Community Outreach Centre, 10.00am to 1.00pm (lunch included). Facilitated by Now Project.
Masterclass 4 - Franchising opportunities in tendering - Wednesday 7 March 2012, at Ortus, 10.00am to 1.00pm (lunch included). Faciliated by Ortus.
Masterclass 5 - Working together in collaboration bids – Thursday 15  March 2012, at NICVA, 10.00am to 1.00pm (lunch included). Facilitated by CollaborationNI and Sector Matters.

If you are interested in any of these workshops please contact Ciara Rea on 028 9074 2255 to book a place or email [email protected]

Last updated 6 years 7 months ago