Policy and Practice: A Development Education Review Celebrates its Fifteenth Anniversary with a Special Collection
The Centre for Global Education has released a special commemorative hard copy edition of its bi-annual journal, Policy and Practice: A Development Education Review, to celebrate its fifteenth anniversary. Policy and Practice was first funded by Irish Aid in 20025 to increase understanding of the underlying causes of poverty and inequality, and set out how these can be communicated in educational settings and institutions. Policy and Practice has since become one of development education’s most articulate vehicles for debating inequalities both within and between the global North and South, encouraging active engagement on the part of learners to address these injustices.
The journal’s website consistently receives more than 150,000 visitors per annum, and Policy and Practice articles have generated 2,500 citations in hundreds of books and journals. This suggests the extent to which Policy and Practice has supported good practice, research and debate in the development education sector. Moreover, the sectoral diversity of the journals and books in which Policy and Practice articles have been cited suggest that the journal has strengthened links between development education and related disciplines that share our values and active learning methodology.
This special fifteenth anniversary collection of Policy and Practice represents a collaborative effort involving eight members of the journal’s Editorial Board who each contributed an article introducing the development themes and issues that are explored in the compendium. Each of the editors selected three articles from the journal’s archive that they wanted to include in the collection and spoke to one of the eight themes profiled in the collection. These themes include: migration, human rights, climate change and Latin America. In total, the collection carries 33 articles from many of the leading practitioners in the development education sector operating in a range of educational contexts, locally and internationally.
The timing of the publication is important with the articles on climate change helping to frame the main issues at stake during the upcoming COP-26 conference in Glasgow. The collection highlights the urgency of the climate emergency for the planet and the need for immediate remedial action. It also considers and contrasts the response to the two emergencies of global warming and COVID-19 giving the collection an added topicality and importance.
The Centre for Global Education is grateful to the editors and authors whose work is profiled in this collection and to Irish Aid for agreeing to fund it. We are also grateful to all of our readers.
To purchase a copy of the book please visit: https://publications.centreforglobaleducation.com.
March 2021, ISSN: 1748-135X | 400 pages | 140mm x 215mm | Price £14.00 plus P&P | Publisher: Centre for Global Education | available: https://publications.centreforglobaleducation.com.

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