Please vote TODAY for the Stroke Friendship Network's People's Millions project!!

Our project ‘The Stroke Friendship Network’ has been shortlisted for the People’s Millions competition and will compete for viewers’ phone votes for £50,000 from the Big Lottery Fund.

Please vote TODAY!

09015 228218 (landline) 6228218 (mob)

Project Summary – ‘The Stroke Friendship Network’

Too many local people are dealing with the impacts of stroke in Northern Ireland without the correct access to support and we want to set up a friendship network to change this. There are 34,000 stroke survivors in NI, not to mention their carers and family members. We want to create clusters of trained volunteers across NI who will be available to support anyone affected by stroke. They will be trained in encouraging positive ‘life after stroke’ which can be delivered in a variety of ways such as encouraging stroke survivors to participate in their local communities, helping with shopping or just listening over a cuppa. Most significantly they will play a vital role in supporting those experiencing difficulties with their psychological and emotional well being after having a stroke.

We have identified a real need for this support network as many stroke survivors are currently living in social isolation.


Last updated 10 years 3 months ago