Platinum Partnership formed

NIFHA is delighted to announce its Platinum Partner for their 2012 Conference is Acheson & Glover, the Co Tyrone based company which produces and distributes the widest range of concrete products and building solutions in the UK & Ireland.

This is the first time NIFHA and Acheson & Glover have worked together.  

On behalf of NIFHA Cameron Watt commented:

“We’re delighted to work with such a sector leading company as Acheson & Glover for Conference 2012.  The organisation’s support of NIFHA by becoming our Platinum Partner demonstrates the increasing value of working with housing associations to Acheson & Glover and the growing reputation of NIFHA’s Annual Conference.”

Stephen Acheson, Managing Director of Acheson and Glover, said he was delighted to become involved with NIFHA.

“As a local company, employing local people and producing a truly world class range of products for sale within NI as well as the Republic and Britain, it makes perfect sense for us to work closely with organisations like NIFHA. Our paving and walling products can be seen in many Housing Association schemes throughout Northern Ireland and so we’re very pleased to be able to showcase our brand and range of products, including our brick range at the conference.”

The Platinum Partnership represents an exciting opportunity for both organisations.  Conference 2012 this autumn comes during a period of unprecedented change for the housing association movement in Northern Ireland.  This year Conference 2012 is set to explore the implications of the forthcoming NI Executive housing strategy, the new operational environment, what the barriers to development are, the impact on associations of Welfare Reform and the change at the NI Housing Executive.


Contact: Maeve Kelly  T: 028 9023 0446   E: [email protected]

Further information

About Conference 2012

  • The conference takes place 8-9 November 2012 at La Mon House Hotel
  • It is the foremost conference for the Northern Ireland housing association movement

About Housing Associations

  • actively work to benefit the community by providing affordable accommodation and related housing services to those in greatest housing need
  • manage nearly 38,000 units of rented accommodation - over a third of all social housing in NI
  • have provided virtually all new social housing in NI since 1998
  • provide accommodation for general needs and supported tenants
  • are voluntary organisations dedicated to helping people obtain decent, affordable accommodation which meets their needs
  • have collectively taken out over £626.2million of private finance to assist with social house building since 1991 

About NIFHA (Northern Ireland Federation of Housing Associations)

  • members of NIFHA include all 30 registered housing associations in NI and five non-registered housing associations
  • promotes, represents and supports the voluntary housing movement in Northern Ireland
  • promotes housing associations in Northern Ireland and speaks authoritatively on their behalf
  • is independent of the government, political parties and private interests
  • aims to be even-handed in working with, and on behalf of, its members
  • expects accountability, respect, value for money and high quality services from the organisations that help meet housing needs
  • offer members and associates a range of best-practice training programmes, including seminars and workshops, support with housing policy and research, communications, administration and finance
  • is funded through a combination of member and associate subscriptions as well as enterprise income
Last updated 12 years 1 month ago