PIPS 'Run 4 Their Lives' May 2012

To anyone out there who is thinking of running the Marathon on 7th May 2012, why not 'Run 4 Their Lives' and do it in aid of PIPS??

At last year's Belfast Marathon, over 70 runners raised almost £10,000 for PIPS Programmes...  To anyone out there who is thinking of running the Marathon on 7th May 2012, why not 'Run 4 Their Lives' and do it in aid of PIPS??
It's that time of the year again, when the fitness mentality suddenly takes over the mind.  Why not set yourself a target to meet your goals and help PIPS save lives at the same time?  We would like to get as many people as possible to participate in this year's Marathon, by doing the relay, marathon walk, fun run or full marathon (if you're brave enough!).  Not only will you improve your physical and mental well being, you will also be raising money for much needed suicide prevention in the community.
If you are interested in running to save a life please email Robert at robert@pipsprogrammes.com
Please visit our facebook page at www.facebook.com/run4theirlives or phone PIPS on 028 90 805 850 for more information.  Any person who decides to run for PIPS must ensure that they also register their entry at www.belfastcitymarathon.com
If you do not wish to enter you can still show your support by sponsoring our runners who take up the challenge by visiting our sponsorship page at http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/charity-web/charity/finalCharityHomepage.action?charityId=1002575
We hope to see many of you at the starting line alongside us!
PIPS Programmes 

Last updated 12 years 11 months ago