PICAS “CAmP” – Intercultural Arts camp for young people

PICAS "CAmP" for young people, 1 week long Intercultural arts camp in October 2016.

PICAS "CAmP" for young people, 1 week long Intercultural arts camp in October 2016.

Community Arts Partnership is looking for expressions of interest from youth and community groups who have young people aged 14-18 years of age who would like to get involved in CAmP PICAS over the half-term holidays in October 2016 subject to securing funding from OFMDFM’s Summer Camp funding programme.

CAP has been running intercultural arts training for adults for over 4 years now and we think it is about time we let the younger generation have a go. The CAmP will be held in CAP’s offices in the centre of the cathedral quarter and has space for 20 participants.

The groups must be inter-community and intercultural in makeup. The commitment will be the following:

  • Attendance for the week-long programme from Saturday 22 to Saturday 29 October
  • Openness to working with new people from varying community backgrounds
  • Ability to travel to CAP offices in Commercial Court (Off Donegall Street)

In line with Community Arts Partnership’s accessibility policy the project is free of charge.

The project approach is an interactive and participatory one, with CAP creating an open, safe place for dialogue and debate. Perceptions and assumptions will be challenged in a fun, creative and meaningful way. Creative methods such as games and art making will be used to explore context, concepts and connectedness.

The project will culminate in a mini exhibition of work created as part of the CAmP. Team building and celebration activities will include trips to Lagan Watersports and We are Vertigo.

If you have young people who would like to get involved please send an email expressing an interest, including the number of young people, their ages and community backgrounds to Julianne Skillen, [email protected] by Tuesday 19th April at 12pm.

If you want to find out more about the programme content please phone Julianne on 02890923493.

<strong>PICAS "CAmP" for young people, 1 week long Intercultural arts camp in October 2016.</strong>

Community Arts Partnership is looking for expressions of interest from youth and community groups who have young people aged 14-18 years of age who would like to get involved in CAmP PICAS over the half-term holidays in October 2016 subject to securing funding from OFMDFM’s Summer Camp funding programme.

CAP has been running intercultural arts training for adults for over 4 years now and we think it is about time we let the younger generation have a go. The CAmP will be held in CAP’s offices in the centre of the cathedral quarter and has space for 20 participants.

The groups must be inter-community and intercultural in makeup. The commitment will be the following:
    <li>Attendance for the week-long programme from Saturday 22 to Saturday 29 October</li>
    <li>Openness to working with new people from varying community backgrounds</li>
    <li>Ability to travel to CAP offices in Commercial Court (Off Donegall Street)</li>
In line with Community Arts Partnership’s accessibility policy the project is <strong>free of charge</strong>.

The project approach is an interactive and participatory one, with CAP creating an open, safe place for dialogue and debate. Perceptions and assumptions will be challenged in a fun, creative and meaningful way. Creative methods such as games and art making will be used to explore context, concepts and connectedness.

The project will culminate in a mini exhibition of work created as part of the CAmP. Team building and celebration activities will include trips to Lagan Watersports and We are Vertigo.

If you have young people who would like to get involved please send an email expressing an interest, including the number of young people, their ages and community backgrounds to Julianne Skillen, [email protected] by Tuesday 19th April at 12pm.

<strong>If you want to find out more about the programme content please phone Julianne on 02890923493.</strong>

Last updated 8 years 2 months ago