Phone number change for Health and Social Care organisations

The main telephone numbers for the Health and Social Care Board and the Public Health Agency in Linenhall Street, and the Business Services Organisation in Franklin Street, Belfast have changed.

The main phone numbers for the Health and Social Care Board, Public Health Agency, and Business Services Organisation in Belfast have changed.

The new Belfast numbers are:

0300 555 0115 - Health and Social Care Board

0300 555 0114 - Public Health Agency

0300 555 0113 - Business Services Organisation

Direct dial in or DDI numbers for directorates within the three organisations’ Belfast offices have also changed. Details of these new numbers may be provided by staff within the relevant directorate. If you have difficulties in contacting an individual directorate, please telephone the appropriate switchboard number (above).

Further information is available on

Calls to 0300 numbers are charged at a local rate and cost no more than calls to UK numbers starting 01 and 02. They are also included in ‘inclusive minutes’ that apply to call packages with service providers. Information on call charges is provided in the Ofcom Guide to Call Costs.

Last updated 10 years 2 months ago