Personal Resilience Skills Training for People in the Caring Professions, Saturday 24th March 10am-5pm

Resilience is a quality that helps you turn challenges and adversity into opportunities for growth and self-development. This resilience training offers practical resilience skills which are crucial for people faced with high pressure situations.

Personal Resilience Skills Training for People in the Caring Professions

Saturday, 24th March 2012

Sustainable change and personal growth are long-term cyclical processes. Facilitating the change and growth of individuals requires long-term commitment that is often sustained by the strong ethos of people in the caring professions. Their professional ethos is profoundly people-centred.

Contributing to individuals´ change and growth processes can be a deeply rewarding experience and can even be a vocation. Focusing on the needs of others is important and makes a crucial contribution to people´s long-term well-being and empowerment. However, constantly being compassionate and empathising toward people in need in highly demanding environments requires a lot of giving of oneself.  When caring for others it is easy to overlook caring for oneself. Neglecting to care for oneself increases unhealthy stresses which over prolonged periods can create exhaustion, compassion fatigue and even burnout. It is therefore equally important that people in the caring professions also attend to their own needs and well-being. 

Personal resilience can be understood as “the human capacity to face, overcome and be strengthened by life´s challenges”. Resilience is based on the understanding that we can actively contribute to increasing our mental and physical well-being by drawing on our internal and external resources, helping to better cope with high levels of unhealthy stresses. By caring for ourselves we can improve our own well-being and thereby be of better help to the people we care for.

This one day personal training offers to help you develop the skills for enhancing your own personal resilience. The training participants will achieve the following:

  • A more positive and adaptable approach to change
  • Developing a more positive and mindful relationship with ourselves through increased mindfulness,   self-awareness, self-efficacy, positive thinking and Emotional Intelligence
  • Having more meaningful and healthy relationships with other people through needs-based and effective communication
  • Identifying the main sources of unhealthy stresses that our life and work entails and finding creative problem-solving strategies for dealing with challenges in a resilient way
  • Increased body awareness through body work and relaxation techniques
  • A personal reflection on the challenging nature of our work and our personal relationship with our work


Date and time: Saturday, 24th March 2012, 10am- 5pm

Venue: Mediation NI, 83 University Street, Bt7 1HP

Cost: £40 per person

To book your place and for further enquiries please contact Britta at [email protected].  


About the trainer

Britta Huss has been working as a course facilitator and project assistant with the University of Edinburgh in the context of a community resilience programme. She facilitated personal resilience and sustainable lifestyle courses within the university community. After this Britta trained as a mediator with Mediation NI, and held a resilience workshop for people in the caring professions as well as staff mindfulness sessions. Previously Britta worked in France in community resilience and sustainability projects as well as with the EU Commission in Brussels on a citizen-centred communication strategy. She practices Qigong and mindfulness and completed the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Course at Queen´s University Belfast. Britta holds a Masters degree in Peace and Conflict Studies from the University of St Andrews and a Bachelor of Arts in Organisational Communications which she studied in Germany and France.




Last updated 12 years 3 months ago