PATHS ® - Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies

The first UK PATHS® (Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies) & Barnardo's conference was held recently with key note speaker Dr Mark Greenberg the original author & developer of the evidence based programme from Penn State College, Pennsylvania.

Barnardo's has been delivering PATHS® across the UK since 2013 with funding from the Big Lottery Realising Ambition stream. It is currently in 99 schools including Belfast, North West NI, London, Swansea, Renfrewshire and is moving into Leicestershire. It is an evidence-based programme developed in the US which is amied at improving the social and emotional learning of primary school children. The Curriculum materials have been adapted for use in the UK.

PATHS® lessons are delivered twice a week by the classroom teacher who is supported by a PATHS® coach employed by Barnardo's. The PATHS® Curriculum is based on a series of manuals, activities and puppets which provide structure and consistency for all lessons.

Eighty delegates from across the UK attended the conference in London which was hosted by Lynda Wilson, Director Barnardo's NI.

For more information about PATHS®:


Facebook: /pathseducationuk

Twitter: @PATHSEdUK

Pictured are PATHS® UK team together with (centre) Director Barnardo's NI Lynda Wilson and Dr Mark Greenburg.

Last updated 9 years 2 months ago