Parkinson's UK choir

Parkinson's UK recently set up a choir for people across Northern Ireland which takes place on Saturday afternoons in Belfast.

The choir will be held initially for a 12 week period at the Agape Centre in Belfast. The benefits of singing for people with Parkinson’s have been well documented and it is open to all those living with Parkinson’s, carers and families; no previous singing experience is necessary!

“We want it to be a fun, social experience which will also give therapeutic benefits to people with Parkinson’s through breathing techniques and voice strengthening. A local speech and language therapist will be providing advice and guidance on the best voice exercises for people with Parkinson’s as part of the choir experience,” explained Nicola Moore, Country Director with Parkinson's UK.

 If you’d like to get involved with the choir please contact Parkinson’s UK 028 9092 3370 or email [email protected]

Last updated 9 years 1 month ago