Parkinson's Awareness Week 2015

Parkinson’s Awareness Week (20 April to 26 April) is an annual campaign run by Parkinson’s UK, which aims to raise awareness of Parkinson’s and change public attitudes towards people living with the condition. There will be a series of events taking plac

Take part in Parkinson’s Awareness Week 2015


Parkinson’s Awareness Week is an annual campaign run by Parkinson’s UK, which aims to raise awareness of Parkinson’s and change public attitudes towards people living with the condition. This year, to make society more Parkinson’s friendly, the charity are encouraging people to pledge to do small acts of kindness that’ll make a big difference to people with Parkinson’s.


Patrick Crossan, 51, from Belfast was diagnosed with Parkinson’s in 2014.


“I had developed a tremor in my left hand and went to see my GP.

“At first I was diagnosed as having a benign tumour but following an MRI and a visit to a neurological consultant I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s.”


Patrick, a business consultant and All-Ireland athlete, would like to see more awareness for people living with Parkinson’s.

“I don’t think about my Parkinson’s too much and I don’t stop doing things because of it. I have a long-term condition but I am not sick.

“I keep fit to a fairly high level and I still compete at a national level in my age group in athletics. My family have been very supportive and I have found the information provided by Parkinson’s UK to be very reassuring.

“I found it hard to believe when I was first diagnosed and was a bit numb. I only became concerned following the reaction of the general public.


Parkinson’s UK Country Director for Northern Ireland, Nicola Moore, commented:

“Research has shown that many people with Parkinson’s feel anxious and embarrassed about public reactions to their symptoms. By giving a smile or being that bit more patient – you can have a real impact on the lives of people in Northern Ireland living with Parkinson’s.”

Patrick is taking part in the Parkinson’s UK Abseil Belfast on Sunday 10 May and will scale 130ft down Belfast's Europa Hotel to support the charity’s work across Northern Ireland and raise awareness of Parkinson’s. If you would like to get involved in Abseil Belfast email [email protected] or call 0207 963 9330.

You can also support Patrick and donate at, all proceeds go directly to Parkinson’s UK.


For more information, and to find out how to get involved in Parkinson’s Awareness Week for Parkinson’s UK, visit

Last updated 9 years 2 months ago