An Overview of Welfare Reform and the Mitigations Package

This half day training course provides participants with a dynamic overview of the changes initiated by welfare reform and the mitigations tabled by the Welfare Reform Mitigations Working Group (January 2016).

It covers reforms to benefits for children, working age and older people, including means tested benefits, non-means tested benefits, child tax credits and working tax credits, disability benefits including PIP, ESA and Housing Benefit. It also outlines the different elements of Universal Credit and how they might apply to single people, families, people with disabilities and housing costs. Participants will receive comprehensive materials including a detailed summary of what the suggested mitigations packages will be. Who Should Attend: The course is designed for advisers, policy workers, those involved in lobbying and campaigning, community champions interested in advice work, and those working in the area to update and refresh their knowledge in this ever changing subject matter. The course is designed for advisers, policy workers, those involved in lobbying and campaigning, community champions interested in advice work, and those working in the area to update and refresh their knowledge in this ever changing subject matter. Fees: There is a charge of £30 to Advice NI Members, £45 to Voluntary and Community Sector organisations and £65 to Private and Statutory Sector organisations. CPD Hours: There are 3 CPD hours available for this course.Education/Professional Framework: This course can be used as evidence towards a range of units in our Advice and Guidance NVQ’s and Legal Advice qualifications including ‘Understanding the Importance of Legislation and Procedures’ (Unit 30). It is also linked to the National Occupational Standards for Legal Advisers including ‘IB19 – First Line Welfare Rights and Legal Advice’. 


Last updated 7 years 8 months ago