'Ours to Share' Heritage Grants for Rural Communities
The ‘Ours to Share’ grant scheme is for rural community groups / organisations who are interested in developing heritage projects in rural areas. Grants for up to £1,000 and £5,000 are available.
This grant scheme has been created to help support rural communities in developing and delivering heritage projects that will bring people together to celebrate our diverse heritage.
If you are interested in applying, please read through the guidance notes to see if your organisation/group is eligible.
Follow this link to access the guidance notes and application form to apply - Ours to Share Grant Programme - Rural Community Network
The closing date is 20th December 2021.
Contact Emma McAleer if you have any questions on emma@ruralcommunitynetwork.org

Rural Community Network
38a Oldtown Street
Co Tyrone
BT80 8EF
United Kingdom