Law has changed

Organ donation law has changed

On 1 June, organ donation law changed to an opt-out system to help save more lives.

‘Dáithí’s Law’ means in the event that organ donation is a possibility after you die, unless you choose to opt out, or are in an excluded group*, you will be considered as a potential organ donor.

Organ donation is a personal decision and you still have a choice if you wish to donate or not.

If you do not want to become an organ donor then you need to opt out on the NHS Organ Donor Register at You can do this at any time.

You can register a decision to opt-out, opt-in, or amend you decision at any time. 

Whatever you decide, please remember to talk to those close to you to help them support your decision at a difficult time.

For more information on the law change, or to register a decision, please visit

*Excluded groups include:

• Those under the age of 18
• People who lack capacity to understand the new law
• Visitors to Northern Ireland
• Temporary residents

Last updated 1 year ago