Online Video Provides Insight on How Changing Your Decision Making Can Change Your Life

Bernadette Doyle has developed a 90 minute online video to support other aspiring entrepreneurs to change their thinking in order to change their life.

BELFAST business woman Bernadette Doyle, an entrepreneur who has grown an online business empire from home as a single mum, has developed a 90 minute online video FREEDOM FORMULA to support other aspiring entrepreneurs to change their thinking in order to change their life.

Bernadette’s business growth is reflective of a wider trend across the United Kingdom, where female leadership is an influential factor in successful companies. In March 2016, research published showed that there are 762 companies with female leaders that generate revenues of between £1m and £250m and which are growing by at least 20 per cent a year.

Bernadette discusses her own experience and provides five top tips for people who are at the early stage of entrepreneurialism:

“When I started out in business 20 years ago, I had to spend a lot of time travelling to meetings, staying away from home and ‘trading time for money’ to get ahead in business.  I had all the traditional overheads that go with running a business such as premises, stock and payroll and a lot of stress too.  When I found out I was expecting my first child, I knew that way of doing business was no longer sustainable for me.

“I started making changes in my business and thanks to the internet and new technology, it’s possible for me to run my business from anywhere in the world that I have internet access.  I get to choose my own hours so I don’t miss my sons’ sports day or school play because of a business commitment. I created the Freedom Formula because I’m passionate about showing other women how you don’t have to sacrifice the things that truly matter to you in order to get ahead in business.”

Top Five Tips

  1. You’re much closer to financial freedom than you think.  This can take 5 to15 years to achieve, although you can experience the essence of this freedom as soon as you embrace a new mindset. By working smarter, you can create more time for yourself and get your independence back.
  2. Making smarter decisions about where your money flows. Most of us get caught up in a consumption spending cycle. It is important to break that cycle and learn how to move to ‘expansion spending’ such as investing in assets which in turn expands wealth.
  3. Increase your income without sacrificing your time and sanity.  Do you have the right business model?  Are there aspects of your business that you can fully automate?  Automation and technology mean that your business should be able to make you money when you’re asleep.  Have you considered how your business would function if you weren’t there?
  4. Invest in assets that can produce income without having to go to work.  An asset is anything that expands your financial wellbeing in terms of income and growth. How do you add value so that value stays in your life?
  5. Start where you are.  Don’t wait until you have spare time.  ‘You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.’  What is the first step?

Bernadette adds: “Quite simply, it’s about achieving financial freedom.  This means having the time to make choices, which in turn allows you to spend more time with family and friends. Our goal is to get you past the story you’ve been telling yourself as to why you can’t have financial freedom.”

A three day Freedom Formula event for women who are already in business, or interested in starting a business, will take place at Hilton Templepatrick from 30 September to 2 October. 

For further information please log on to or email [email protected]


Last updated 7 years 9 months ago