Iris Shannon, last year's Older Volunteer of the Year winner

One week left to nominate your star older volunteers!

You've got one week left to recognise and celebrate those older volunteers who make a real difference to our city, its neighbourhoods & people. Nominations for Belfast's Age Friendly Older Volunteer Awards close this Friday, so get your nominations in!

The annual Age-friendly Belfast Older Volunteer Awards offer a chance for groups, organisations and individuals to recognise and celebrate the difference made by volunteers aged 60 and over to communities, neighbourhoods and people across the city.

This year's categories are:

  1. The Older Volunteer of the Year Award: recognises an individual volunteer who you feel has made a real impact on or difference to your group or organisation’s work over the last year, October 2018 to September 2019.
  2. Marie Mathews Participation Award: recognises a volunteer who embodies the true spirit of volunteering. This may be someone who volunteers across a number of roles or groups, or whose length of service deserves to be recognised.
  3. Contribution to City Life Award: recognises a volunteer whose contribution has made an impact to life in Belfast. This can be through their involvement with the arts and culture, health & well-being, environmental projects, community development, befriending or any other charitable activity with a benefit to the community or the individuals within it.
  4. Good Neighbour Award:  recognises someone, not necessarily connected with a group or organisation, who makes a practical difference to others in the neighbourhood or area, improving the quality of people’s lives. Someone who gets the title ‘unsung hero’ because of the things they do, big or small to make life better for people beyond their own immediate family.
  5. Team or group Award:  celebrates 2 or more volunteers who are involved in the same project, programme or service within an organisation. Through working together this team or group has made a positive on your group or organisation, service users or other volunteers or staff.

To be eligible anyone you nominate should be 60 or over by the close of the nominations on Friday 25 October

The Awards are an opportunity for you to recognise inspirational volunteers across groups, organisations and communities, and celebrate the difference their volunteering makes.

If you’re interested in finding out more about the Awards or want to check about nominating someone please call 9032 0202 ext. 3775, e mail [email protected] or visit 

Last updated 4 years 8 months ago