Official Re-Opening of £1.1million accommodation

Chelsea Duncan (18) and Acting Permanent Secretary Department of Social Development, Andrew Hamilton officially opened refurbished and extended accommodation costing £1.1million for Barnardo's NI Leaving Care Service in South Belfast.

The newly refurbished and extended accommodation provides 8 apartments, a flat with disabled access, a lift and gas central heating for young people aged 16-21 who are moving from social care to independent living with support from Barnardo's Leaving Care Service.

Stephen Knox, Assistant Director Barnardo's NI said:

"We are delighted that the new Annadale Apartments have been officially opened. SInce our Leaving Care Service started over 30 years ago almost 300 young people have lived in our supported housing. The extension of these apartments means we will be able to provide more support to more young people.

Young people leaving care need to have somewhere to help them make the transition to independent living. Many other young people do not leave home so early, or at least know they have the option to return home, and it is challenging no matter what your background or age dealing with bills, budgeting, cooking and neighbours. These apartments together with the staff from Barnardo's NI provide somewhere safe and supported for these young people to learn those skills.

"This is an example of positive partnership working between the Supporting People Programme, Barnardo's NI, Belfast and South Eastern Health and Social Care Trusts and Triangle Housing Association.

"Having a secure home is important and through this partnership we aim to provide young people leaving care with the opportunity to have successful, happy future lives."

Pictured with Chelsea Duncan and Andrew Hamilton (DSD) are representatives from Triangle Housing Association, RE Quinn Architects and Connolly Fee contractors. The refurbishment and extension was funded by the Department of Social Development's Supporting People Programme in partnership with Triangle Housing Association.

Last updated 8 years 9 months ago