OCN NI Suite of Holistic Health and Complementary Therapies Qualifications

OCN NI are delighted to launch our suite of Health and Complementary Therapies Qualifications.

The OCN NI suite of Holistic Health and Complementary Therapies (QCF) qualifications have been designed to provide an understanding of the importance of one’s own health/well-being and the theory and practice associated with holistic health and well-being. 

Learners will develop an understanding of the impact of nutrition, stress and emotions on health/well-being and how this can be alleviated using complementary therapies. 

In order to achieve the qualification learners must complete units in personal growth for holistic health & well-being and theory and practice of holistic health and complementary therapies. Both units are mandatory and have a total credit value of 15.

For more information on these qualifications, or to find out how you can offer them contact us today on: 028 90 463 990, or [email protected].


Last updated 9 years 11 months ago