OCN NI Digital Technologies Qualification

OCN NI now have a range of Creative Arts and Digital Technologies qualifications.

The creative and digital technologies sectors are recognised as growth areas within the economy. The OCN NI Creative Arts and Digital Technologies qualifications have been designed to meet emerging skills requirements in these sectors. The qualifications have been designed to offer a wide range of options mirroring the careers and occupations available within these sectors.

Click here for more information.


Grading for this these qualifications is Pass/Fail. 

Sector Subject Area

9.1          Performing Arts

Qualification Target Group

The qualifications are targeted at individuals who wish to develop the required technical and creative skills and knowledge to progress to further training or employment within a wide range of creative industries.

Entry Requirements

Learners must be at least 16 years of age. There are no formal entry requirements. It would be expected that learners have an interest or previous experience in this area as well as the necessary communication and ICT skills to be able to complete assessment at this level.

Last updated 7 years 4 months ago
OCN NI Digital Technologies Qualification