Northern Ireland thanked for helping build homes in El Salvador

A 15 strong, all women team, from across Northern Ireland have just returned from El Salvador where they have been building homes for families in need

The team travelled as part of Habitat for Humanity’s Global Village programme and have spent the last 12 months raising essential funds with the help of the local community.

Home to almost 6 million people, El Salvador is the smallest, yet most densely populated country in Central America. Habitat concentrates its efforts on providing support to those families in need of adequate housing, without discrimination.

Working alongside the families and local community the all women team worked incredibly hard in very hot conditions, and brought 2 homes from pre-foundations stage to roof level in the few weeks they spent there.

Team leaders Jennie Watt and Pat Stanfield from Ballymena, were over-whelmed by how valued the team felt on site, carrying out skilled jobs and encouraged to truly be part of building homes and transforming lives.

“The experience in El Salvador was life changing. The work was hard but witnessing what our hands created and understanding the impact it would have, not just for the family but the whole community, made every bead of sweat worth it.

The trip would not have been possible though without all those who supported our fundraising efforts, we can’t thank them enough.”

Every year hundreds of volunteers, from all races, faiths and backgrounds, travel in support of Habitat NI’s global partnership programmes.

If you would be interested in volunteering with Habitat’s Global Village programme in 2012 come along to an information evening on Thursday 12th January 2012, 7.30pm, Crescent Arts Centre Belfast. Contact Jan Lindsay on 028 9024 3686 for further information or visit

Last updated 12 years 3 months ago