Northern Ireland leads the way in smoking quit rates

No Smoking Day takes place on Wednesday 11 March and Community pharmacies are the largest smoking cesssation provider in Northern Ireland, supporting nearly 70% of quit attempts.

No Smoking Day takes place on Wednesday 11 March 2015, those thinking of giving up smoking will be encouraged to know that unrivalled support to help them quit is available close to home.

At 59%, community pharmacy smoking cessation services in Northern Ireland have the highest quit rate in the UK, in comparison with England and Scotland who have a rate of 51% and 38% respectively.

Statistics for 2013/14 also reveal that the smoking cessation services promoted through community pharmacy in Northern Ireland remains the most accessible and successful among independent healthcare providers having supported 15,813 people to remain quit at four weeks.    

Gerard Greene, CEO with Community Pharmacy NI explained, “All the factors needed for a service to be successful: reach in both urban and rural locations, extended opening times and the patient’s accessibility to a healthcare professional without an appointment are in place. The statistics reflect the significant role that community pharmacy plays in delivering cost-effective health interventions. The convenience of having support on your doorstep, in an environment that you know and trust can’t be under-estimated and this combination often prompts someone considering quitting smoking to take the next step and seek support.”

Mr Greene continued, People often don’t realise that the health and financial benefits of stopping smoking can be seen almost straight away, after four weeks stopping smoking, quitters will often find it easier to breathe, their circulation will improve and they will see their energy levels increase. Being smoke free could also result in a potential saving of over approximately £254 in the first month of quitting*.”

This year’s No Smoking Day organised by the British Heart Foundation promotes a ‘Proud to be a Quitter” theme which is set to inspire hundreds of thousands of smokers to be proud of their achievement in quitting smoking.

Mr Greene concluded, “No Smoking Day is a great opportunity to encourage and support those who wish to stop smoking. If you are thinking of quitting, but just need that extra support, join the thousands who have already turned to their community pharmacy to receive on-going support, to help reach your goal.”


*Based on a 20-per-day smoker at an average price of £8.47 for 20 cigarettes

Notes to Editor: Community Pharmacy NI represents Northern Ireland’s community pharmacy contractors’ negotiations on services, the pharmacy contract, remuneration and reimbursement with the Health and Social Care Board (HSCB) and the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety (DHSSPS).

Statistics source: Statistics on Smoking Cessation Services in Northern Ireland: 2013/14 –


Smoking Cessation Service is the first commissioned public health service to be developed in community pharmacy in NI, it now represents a successful model which surpasses all other providers in terms of numbers of people enrolled while also successfully achieving patient outcome targets.


About No Smoking Day: No Smoking Day merged with the British Heart Foundation in 2011. The annual No Smoking Day campaign, which is now in its 32nd year, inspires and helps smokers who want to quit, and is supported by an alliance of UK health bodies and charities. For more information about the No Smoking Day campaign, visit

Last updated 9 years 3 months ago