Derry city taxi drivers are supporting a local campaign to raise awareness of the Lifeline crisis counselling helpline service.

City taxi drivers are supporting a local campaign to raise awareness of the Lifeline crisis counselling helpline service.

Taxi proprietors and drivers have agreed to display posters in offices and to carry Lifeline contact cards for local passengers who may be in need of crisis support.

Lifeline 0808 808 8000 is the regional crisis counselling helpline service which was established by the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety (DHSSPS) in 2008 with centres at Strand Road and Belfast. It provides free, confidential telephone support from qualified counsellors 24 hours a day to people of all ages, along with face to face follow-up counselling.

Lifeline’s regional team leader Sheila Stalker thanked North West Taxi Proprietors Association for its role in enlisting the support of the city’s taxi owners and distributing the materials.

“Our aim is to raise awareness of the Lifeline service to whoever is in need or people who work with or come into contact with people in need.  We want to work in partnership to achieve this and are very grateful to NWTP and the city’s taxi owners for their support. 

“By being prepared to give out the Lifeline cards to passengers clearly in distress means that taxi drivers are prepared to go above and beyond their responsibility.  We really appreciate their support in helping us ensure that local people are aware of and use Lifeline 0808 808 8000 if in need.”

North West Taxi Proprietors, funded by the Big Lottery Fund, have been engaged in a number of community initiatives such as ‘Taxi Watch’, where taxi drivers are equipped with the Balcan throw line and trained to use it safely in drowning situations.

Eamonn O’Donnell from NWTP added: “With our involvement on Taxi Watch, Safe Talk and our ASSIST Training for some drivers, we see our support of Lifeline as an extension of that work.

“NWTP are very grateful to our local taxi drivers who have agreed to carry the Lifeline cards and posters. Our local taxi drivers are very community spirited and do interface directly with many hurting people. The local taxi industry is happy to highlight the services of Lifeline and encourage those who could benefit from 24/7 expert counselling support to use the service.”

People can access the service by ringing 0808 808 8000 or can be referred into the service by a loved one a healthcare professional. Further information can be obtained from

Last updated 12 years 1 month ago